There are three essential character groups within my book, The Genesis of Seven, that are important to the overall story. I thought it might be a good idea to introduce these characters to you and explain a little bit more about them.
The first characters that I want to discuss are the angel characters. Below, you will find a list of the seven main archangels featured in my book and some facts about them.
#1 Gabriel
An angel of music
Associated with the color orange and the gemstone danburite
The sparrow is his bird messenger
#2 Michael
An angel of power
Associated with the color blue and the gemstone lapis lazuli
The eagle is his bird messenger
#3 Uriel
An angel of nature
Associated with the color red and the gemstone ruby
The falcon is his bird messenger
#4 Raphael
An angel of healing
Associated with the color green and the gemstone emerald
The barn owl is his bird messenger
#5 Jophiel
An angel of art
Associated with the color yellow and the gemstone citrine
The crane is his bird messenger
#6 Chamuel
An angel of the home
Associated with the color pink and the gemstone rose quartz
The osprey is his bird messenger
#7 Zadkiel
An angel of teaching
Associated with the color purple and the gemstone amethyst
The hawk is his bird messenger
I hope you enjoyed learning about my angels! I'm excited for you all to get to know them fully once the book is available on 7/7/2020. Preorders will be happening soon in the spring, so stay in touch on social media as more information is released.